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  • Writer's pictureAruna Byers

Being Awake 覚醒した状態

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A human who has Awakened to the ultimate TRUTH knows the difference between what Truth is and what Truth is NOT. This is the fundamental difference between an Awakened being and someone who remains ignorant, caught in a story of his/her mind’s own making.

A Spiritual Awakening is not a physical experience, although some bodies do have energetic changes occur to them as part of the Awakening process. A full Kundalini rising is no more significant to Awakening than a simple shift into clear awareness. I know many people who have had a full Kundalini rising and are not yet Awake — because they view this happening as a uniquely personal experience.

How an Awakening occurs is merely another component of the body’s personal story. An actual Spiritual Awakening is a complete shift out of the “experiencer’s” prior perception of the body it inhabits and the world of the senses it once believed to be real . . . nothing more, and nothing less.

The only matter of any importance for being Awake is what happens to the ego which controlled the body prior to Awakening. Realizing and discarding the bits and pieces of untruth which begin to be revealed is part of an expansion of Awakened Awareness that I call “the deepening process.” Deepening the new awareness occurs as the body continues to play its role in its personal story. . . developing capacity to recognize non-Truth when it appears . . . surrendering to “what is” — ­­and in so doing, dissolving its control over the reactions of the body. The role one plays in life will continue to introduce more and more opportunities to expand Awakened Awareness . . . and having an experienced guide for this part of the process can be invaluable. It is normal for those recently awakened but not sufficiently deepened, to move in and out of being stuck in identification with the body and its personal story about Awakening. Taking advantage of your access to a qualifed Awakened teacher will ease and speed up the process of discarding ego’s influence at this stage of deepening.

One (of the many) Misconceptions

Being Awake is not about becoming a physical and/or mental zombie, detached from a body that is void of human qualities. In fact, the opposite . . . after Awakening the physical body typically becomes more alive, more human, and more charismatic than it was when its mind had been perceiving its erroneous personal story as reality. Those who, sometime after their Awakening moment, begin acting out their mind’s beliefs about Awakening will incorporate those beliefs into a new expanded story that goes beyond the fiction which was discredited and discarded in that initial Awakening experience . . . only now, instead of the familiar ego-mind acting as director, it has evolved into a spiritual ego — a supposedly “more enlightened” but still fictitious director of the body. When this occurs you will frequently hear statements such as “I know” . . . “I am this . . . I am that,” and other claims (comparisons), which attempt to elevate the credibility of the speaker.”

The expansion of awareness, which occurs during “the deepening process” following a Spiritual Awakening, is key to becoming empty and mindful (according to Buddhist texts). That is because an initial Awakening is only the beginning of a process, which could take many years to fully integrate and solidify. Because enlightenment is not a destination, there is no limit to the unconscious misunderstandings which could arise for any particular physical human form whom has experienced an Awakening moment.

Contrary to what I have recently read (written by someone who once requested and henceforth claimed my confirmation of her awakened condition), the physical body of an Awakened one does not disappear. The only thing that disappears as a result of a Spiritual Awakening is identification with a body and its personal story, ie: the claim “this happened to me”. . . “I did this” . . . ”I am this, etc.” Anyone who brags about their Awakening . . . how different they are from others . . . their special gifts as a result . . . their impact on the world, etc., has been caught in a trap by a spiritual ego.

A spiritual experience can, and often does provide an initial Awakening, but for most of us that is merely a glimpse of Truth. Gaining the clarity of full Awakened Awareness (and the ability to teach about it), takes a certain amount of human development time to integrate that realization into the physical, mental and emotional life of the body it has occurred in.

In the fully Awakened condition True Self is present and shining through the body’s physical eyes in every moment. This is unmistakeable to any careful observer. These radiant eyes do not happen as a result of mystical experiences, phenomenon of any kind (including enhancement of prana), chanting mantras or scripture reading. It occurs naturally as life brings what is not Truth to be recognized for what it is . . . then discarded . . . so the love and wisdom of True Self (Unlimited Consciousness), can flow through the body as Its way of Being in the world.

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