Awakening Coach
Aruna Byers
About Aruna
Awakening Coach and Spiritual Teacher
My spiritual search began when I was told that a connection to God was the best way to overcome a lifetime of depression.
My first step was to learn to meditate, and after a
few months of doing so I began experiencing bliss that extended into the rest of my day. Several months later I spontaneously began to channel.
While following the guidance of my channeled teachers,
I visited many countries where I was invited to facilitate personal development workshops and private channeling sessions.
While I was living in Europe I learned a variety of therapies which helped me overcome my own anxiety, but that was not sufficient — I wanted inner peace, unwavering happiness, a quiet mind and the end of suffering. I eventually found these in Lucknow India when I was with Papaji in 1993.
I want you to have these qualities of life too!
My passion is to Awaken and empower my clients with an introduction to the One True Self, that loving consciousness available to everyone, but veiled to most by ego-mind's controlling thoughts.
To accomplish this, I offer personal and group coaching, satsang gatherings, retreats, personal
guidance, emotional clearing sessions and an Awakening process that provides a direct experience of the One True Self.
My in-person work is done in Japan, but I also do personal sessions online which have catalyzed Awakenings on every continent.
Awakening Coaching
I provide a clear understanding of Advaita (Non-duality, Truth), shakti energy, divine wisdom, and a process called Radical Awakening, plus a lot of love and support to assist clients in letting go of ego-mind's control and self-imposed limitations.
I help them discover and resolve what needs to be healed before taking them to an actual Awakening moment. Once they have Awakened, I assist them to deepen their Awakening into full liberation by showing them how they can recognize and release whatever does not fit with what they have realized.
The ultimate goal of our work together is full Self-Realization, a.k.a. Enlightenment. Everyone works at their own pace, so I cannot predict how much time it will take for you, but I guarantee that after spending lifetimes as a seeker, you can stop your seeking in this one.
To see if Awakening is your next step, please read my blog posts on this site and sign up for my mailing list to receive additional insights. You can also have a FREE 30-minute coaching session to determine whether or not we are a good fit to work together.
To schedule your FREE SESSION send an email to A session time will be arranged that works for your time zone.

Papaji and Aruna February 12, 1993

My autobiographical book, The Masters' Messenger: Emergence of an Awakened Channel (pub. 2012, available on has also served as a catalyst for Awakenings. A second book of Awakening teachings is now in the works..
This book is available in English and Japanese on Amazon and Kindle.