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​© 2017 Aruna Byers, Awakening Coach


How I Became

      the first to call myself an 

Awakening Coach 


It was the summer of 2001, in the midst of

a typhoon, as hurricanes are called in Okinawa.

For some time now, I had been pondering how to

combine my Life Coach Training with the powerful

new view of life experienced at my Spiritual

Awakening in 1993.

As the storm's eye settled over my area, clarity came. I had never known such eerie silence, and with it came the gentle but overwhelming inspiration: I was to use my coaching skills and tools to share the life altering TRUTH at the Moment of Conscious Realization, which I experienced as my AWAKENING.

I was to call myself an "Awakening Coach" because my coaching skills were about to be used to Awaken others who are also seeking that pivotal TRUTH.

Could you be one of them?

"I am a housewife from India. I was just waiting for the right kind of direction to move to the next step in my spiritual life. Getting in touch with Aruna, and attending her Awakening Coaching sessions, gave me the sense of direction that was needed.


Her sessions are miraculously healing, where there is enormous change in one's consciousness. I strongly believe Master Saint Germain acts through her. Anybody serious about ascension should take up her sessions. Now I thank all my spiritual guides for taking me to her at the right time. I feel a huge burden was removed from me."  

      Nithya R., Chennia, India

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