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  • Writer's pictureAruna Byers

Desire 欲する気持ち

Whenever we find ourselves longing for something different than what we already have, this is the play of ego. It creates self-talk like “I won’t be happy until this happens, or this circumstance must change.” It judges the current situation, calling it “bad” or “not good enough,” and then comes up with an alternative it considers better, but it has no idea whether the alternative really would be better or is even possible.

I cannot count how many times clients have told me “I will never be happy until I get married, have a child, have a certain amount of money in the bank, move to a nicer house, etc. This way of thinking is how ego keeps us stuck in the cycle of suffering.

Negative thinking radiates a low vibration, whether we speak those thoughts aloud, or not. Instead of changing what we are against to what we want, they actually attract to us more of what we don’t want.

Desire comes from an arrogant ego. When we desire something different than what we presently have ego is actually saying to our divine nature, “I know better than you, and I don’t like what you created for me.” In truth, if you were to examine the unwanted circumstances more carefully and with honesty, you would discover that you, yourself created them for you; for the exact purpose of teaching yourself how ego keeps you in its trance.

Desire naturally leads to suffering, If you want to break free of suffering you must be willing to let go of ego’s insatiable, never ending list of desires. Choose instead to appreciate and celebrate what you already have. In this way you will not only get off the cycle of suffering, you will be making a big love donation to mass consciousness.

Papaji often said, “Have only one desire, let that be the desire for *Freedom.” Once freedom is yours, you will no longer suffer from unfulfilled desires. If your preferences are not met, you will be totally ok with this and grateful for whatever has shown up instead. In the big picture, absolutely everything has a positive purpose, even if it looks like doom and gloom from the ego’s point of view.

* The Freedom Papaji is referring to is liberation from the illusion of duality.








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