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Who is Awake/what Awakened? 誰の目覚め?/何が目覚めた?

Writer's picture: Aruna ByersAruna Byers

English follows:








Who is Awake/what Awakened?

When the shift in consciousness of a spiritual Awakening occurs, there has been a realization about the True Self, false self and the world, which those yet to Awaken cannot understand. Their intellect may partially comprehend it, but due to the fact that it is not accurately describable in words, even those who have experienced an authentic Awakening can have a hard time grasping it at first. It takes more understanding and more separation from the emotional and mental influences of the ego mind to fully comprehend what is real and what is not.

The first misunderstanding needing to be cleared up is the personal aspect of an Awakening. To both the observer and the experiencer as well, it will appear that the Awakening has happened to someone—the body/personal identity of an individual. Even though that perception seems to be the case, it is merely part of the dualistic illusion, an illusion which the ego/mind presumes to be reality.

Who Awakens?

Anyone who says, “I’m Awake” is mistaken. The fiction of “I” does not awaken, it simply begins to dissolve as the body/mind’s ignorance is replaced by the expansion of awakened awareness; and the beginning of a new level of the presence of True Self in the daily life of every human who has experienced and accepted the shift of an authentic spiritual Awakening.

The misleading concept of “I” is an illusion, one built on the false premise of duality, i.e. that anything whatsoever can exist separate from or outside of the infinite ocean of consciousness.

What Awakens?

To say “I’m Awake” is a inaccurate statement, because the “you” that claims the attainment of this status is itself a mere figment of the human imagination. What has Awakened is an aspect of the “one great soul” which each and every manifestation is part of . . . It is waking up to Itself; another aspect, formerly shadowed in the delusion is now “in on the Truth” of that deception. Another manifested human aspect of the One infinite consciousness has been liberated, free to express Itself in “the world” through the physical form that was previously presumed to be a separate person: “I” or “me.”

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