Letting go of the domination of ego-mind begins with realizing the difference between the voice of ego and the clear, quiet voice of our True Self. In the first stage of surrendering to True Self we engage in observing the workings of the ego-mind as it controls the body. By ignoring the ego-mind’s chatter we can witness its instructions and behavior controls as they appear, without being caught up in the dramas it prescribes. That takes a vigilant cognitive mind and this part of mind is not an adversary but can be used as an important component for the deepening process. Without a supportive cognitive mind there is no faculty that can recognize and let go of what does not fit with Awakened awareness.
What is there to recognize and release? Here’s a useful list to begin with: There are the familiar thought streams of the personal story, which include a litany of instructions, opinions, judgments, and fantasies about past, present and future. Subject to the control of the ego-mind, we develop our personal attitudes and emotional reactions from which come our resistance, desires and attachments to away of life[S1] , and all the unconscious beliefs about how we should be in the world. But none of this story based fictional reality is needed for an optimally functioning mature human life. Witnessing and cutting ties to this endless streaming story is key.
Witnessing and releasing are different from our usual mode of having an experience and denying that experience. The very act of witnessing sends a statement to our True Self (consciousness), that we are ready, willing and able to turn our lives over completely to our creator and guide of choice — True Self. The detachment from what is observed is one of the characteristics of witnessing that facilitates the opportunity to choose, and it is this choosing of True Self over the stream of stories that is the second stage of surrender.
Having freedom of choice is part of our human experience for an important reason: so we can expand our consciousness by learning to choose love over every other available option. The surrender of choosing the voice of True Self over the voice of ego is key to the expansion of our consciousness away from the imaginary stories of the ego-mind.
Here are some possible scenarios where good opportunities for surrender to True Self can be found: whenever we are challenged with something uncomfortable, such as ill health, a natural disaster, a man made one, or the cruelty in any form from actions that harm ourselves or others — can we let go of our ego’s point of view about these things and be still and centered enough to offer love to ourselves and those who have been drawn into the situation—including the perpetrators[S2] ? That is exercising the choice that will take us beyond ego, so we can live in a body directed by our loving True Self.
Free will gives us the opportunity to choose love. Being love in the world is being beyond choice, because without ego’s identity as a person there ceases to be a chooser. Surrendering ego’s ideas, opinions and attitudes to our True Self in every circumstance is what finally dissolves the control of ego-mind.
Letting the ego-mind know it is no longer wanted or needed is the beginning of a process that may last a long time (it takes as long as it takes), but it’s also a fun process, certainly nothing to be concerned about. It will provide many opportunities for you to laugh when catching ego-mind in the act. Choosing love in every situation is Self- surrender. It is ego-mind surrendering to True Self, which is necessary if ego is going to eventually merge with the heart.
目にして(目撃して)手放すということは、ある体験を持った後にその体験を否定してかかる通常の方式とは違います。ただ目にするというその行動そのものが、私たちの真我(意識, consciousness)に向かって宣言することになるのです。自分は準備ができており、私たちの創造主にして選択の導き手である真我に、自ら進んで自分の人生を、完全に委ねることができると、伝えることになるのです。観察されるものから距離があるということが、目にする(目撃するwitnessing)ことの特徴の一つです。だから、選択の機会を活かすことができるのです。そして、そのように、汲めども尽きない物語よりも真我を選んでいくことが、委ねることの第二段階となります。